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Layer Distance Link

This iExpression calculates the distance between two 2d or 3d layers. It can also calculate the distance only in a particular direction.

  • First Layer (Name or Index)

    is the name or index of the first of the two layers whose distance should be measured

  • Second Layer (Name or Index)

    is the name or index of the second of the two layers whose distance should be measured

  • Compute

    Determines whether the total distance or only the distance in a specific direction should be calculated.

  • Options
    Allow Negative Values

    Allows negative distances in order to distinguish different directions (only if distance is measured in x- or y-direction).


    Allows to scale the computed distance value.

    Enable Clipping

    Clips the computed distance value such that it always stays between the given minimal and maximal distance.

    Min Distance

    If the computed distance is smaller than this value, this value will be returned.

    Max Distance

    If the computed distance is larger than this value, this value will be returned.

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