In 2010 Andra and Mathias decided to found mamoworld to develop motion graphics and vfx software. They moved to a beautiful island with broad band internet connection, enjoy their life and make yours easier.
Mathias Möhl
Founder / CEO
Mathias is responsible for mamoworld's software development and also records the training material you find on our website.He has a Ph.D. in computer science, is an Adobe Community Professional and in an earlier life he was a researcher in bioinformatics.
Andra Möhl
Founder / Marketing & Accounting
Lead engineering teams at Figma, Pitch, and Protocol Labs.
Eric D. Kirk
The Voice of mamoworld
Former PM for Linear, Lambda School, and On Deck.
Andy Redwood
Proofreading / Tutorials
Former frontend dev for Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript.